We were given this award from Bartni at salvesenvinylcreations.blogspot.com. We have never recieved an award before but we were honored to receive this!!! Thank you Bartni for this award!
7 things about us:
#1) I have been married to the love of my life for going on 13 years!!! I am one very lucky woman!-Nikki
#2) I am the mother of four of the greatest kids! 3 boys and 1 little diva! I am so blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom !!-Nikki
#3) I have a 2 MAJOR addictions, CHOCOLATE and RECIPES I cant get enough of these 2 EVER!-Nikki
#4) We are sisters and have always been very close!
#5) I am a single mother of 4 wonderful kids! 2 boys and 2 girls! I had my princes and then 9 years later had my princesses!- Yada
#6) I LOVE LOVE LOVE to sing! No matter what kind of music it is! - Yada
#7) I love to cook I am not as obsessed as Nikki is but I do enjoy trying new recipes!- Yada
Here are the rules:
The terms for accepting the award are:
1-) Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award...
2-) Share 7 things about yourself...
3-) Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers... and
4-) Contact the blogger and tell them about the award...
The blogs I pass this award onto are! This was really hard to do because I didn't know what ones were new!!!
Sharee http://www.shareesrecipes.blogspot.com/
Tansy http://tansydidit.blogspot.com/
Erica & Monica http://mycupcakejourney.blogspot.com/
Jen & Amanda http://hairbowsforgirls.blogspot.com/
Shiloh http://shilohsjunktofunk.blogspot.com/
Linda http://www.craftaholicsanonymous.net/
Brooke http://www.allthingsthrifty.com/
Shannon http://www.swainstonvinylanddezign.blogspot.com/
Kylie http://spontinuityphotography.blogspot.com/
Jamielyn http://iheartnaptime.blogspot.com/
Kristy http://illgetyoumypretties.blogspot.com/
Vanessa http://ourthriftyideasbecomeone.blogspot.com/
Amber http://ambersrecipebox.blogspot.com/
Kelsey http://aspiceaday.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the award. You're so sweet!
Aww thanks for thinking of me! :) happy blogging!
Thank you for the award!!
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