

Rice Krispie Scotcheroos

I am pretty sure you have allllll had this recipe if you havent you are for sure missing out!!! This is one of those easy treats that are great to make and take on a picnic or a game or etc. The hardest part is waiting for the chocolate top to set up lol :)
Sorry this isnt the best pic! I couldnt keep my kids out of them and this one got some overspray from pam while we were cooking up breakast :) YES...I fixed these lil suckers at 6 am before I started breakfast lol!

1 c. karo syrup
1 c. sugar
1-1 1/2 c. peanut butter
6 c. rice krispies

1 bag chocolate chips
1/2 bag butterscotch chips

In a large pan bring to boil the karo syrup & sugar. Add peanut butter. Stir constantly until until mixed well then immedietly remove from heat. Add rice krispies and stir until its all coated well. Put in a 9x13 pan. Dont work to much on pressing it or your treat will go hard.

Melt the chocolate & butterscotch chips in a bowl in the microwave. Watching carefully- Cook for 1 minute then stir then continue to cook for 30 seconds at a time until they are melted. Pout over treats and smooth out.

Wait for chocolate to harden up or its a huge mess although it tastes WONDERFUL then ENJOY!!!!

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