

Recipe fun & Giveaway

OK so we want to have some fun!!! Are you in???

I have a little story to tell you first:

A couple months ago I was at a high school baseball game. A ball was hit and came over the back. I could see it was coming for my daughter so I leaned over and covered her head and pulled her back to try to get her out of the path of the ball. Well it didnt hit her face or head but it did get her arm and stomach :( I felt soooo bad as she sat there and cried (she is not a crier) with a huge welt on her. My sister Carolyn ran and grabbed her do Terra oils and Robin rubbed them on the spots. I can honestly say I dont know how it worked but she never even bruised after that and yet you could see the bruise starting instantly. The only mark she had was were the seams had hit and that left like an indentation.

This is just one incident I could go on & on about how much I love do Terra oils but why not let you try it for yourself!!!

My sister Carolyn sales doTerra oils (She can hook you up if you would like some) and I am a HUGE believer in them!!! So we want to give a bottle away to someone... the catch?

Heres what you have to do:

1) you have to either follow my blog or like my page on facebook

2) Send me your best or favorite recipe that uses LEMON in it. Send it to

Carolyn and I will try out every recipe that is sent to us (unless it has ingredients that we cant find) then choose the winner.

The winner will recieve a bottle of doTerra lemon oil and have there recipe featured!! Lemon oil has soooo many things it can be used for here is just a few:

( A favorite, this essential oil powerhouse is cold-pressed from lemon rinds to preserve its delicate nature and potent properties. Lemon is known as a powerful aromatic, topical, and internal cleanser that can be used to complement many other oils. Diffusing lemon in a room can cleanse the air and uplift mood. It can also be used on surfaces throughout the home as a non-toxic cleaning booster. For aromatic, topical or dietary use.

colds, heartburn, varicose veins, cold sores, air purification, cleaning, gun or grease removal, fever, stress, etc.


Deadline is Saturday June 30, 2012

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