


Thank you all for helping me get more followers and for trying out these recipes!!!! It makes me feel so good when I get a report back from people saying they liked?loved it!!!!!

 The Prize is full of ALOT of stuff!!!! I would like to thank my generous sponsors:
Stephanie Bodily - Spring blocks
Bits & Pieces - Recipe block
Thank you ladies for helping get my craft on !!!

SO here it goes! I used random generator to help me pick a number but couldn't figure out how to send it to my blog so I took a picture! # 25 said: I shared your link on facebook. :o)

The WINNER is MINDY!!!!!!! Congrats Mindy I hope you enjoy your prize!!! Mindy also gets to guest blog her favorite recipe if she chooses to do so!

Now for everyone else I have already contacted new sponsors to do another one when we hit 100 so keep them coming!!! Thank you!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice giveaway, Nik! And congrats to Mindy!!

  3. Yeah! I am so excited! What a great combination...great recipes and awesome prizes!!! Thanks Nikki!


I Love to hear feedback on things!!! Please feel free to share!!